Get Benefits of TMJ Treatment in Columbus at Crown Point Dental
When you have temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, your bite can be affected. This can lead to problems like muscle pain, misaligned teeth, and loose teeth. This can also have a big effect on how long your smile lasts. A TMJ issue is a serious problem that makes it hard to bite and chew properly. When you have TMJ syndrome, the joint where your upper and lower jaws meet is out of place. This can cause pain in your jaw, face, neck, and shoulders. You can choose from different TMJ treatment in Columbus to get your upper and lower jaws back into place. Once you know what kind of TMJ problem you have, you can use a mouth guard or do TMJ movements and bite therapy. Doctors use the terms "TMJ therapy" and "TMJ treatment" equally, even though there are different ways to treat TMJ. On the first step of treatment, mouth guards or dental splints are used to ease pain. In the next step, bite therapy is used to find out why the teeth are out of place. A TMJ mouth guard can...